The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Vodafone Ghana, Mrs. Patricia Obo-Nai, has charged Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) Graduating Class of 2020 to build their capacity in digital skills as they enter the world of work.
According to her, this will make them remain relevant to their employers during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic as human dependence on technologies is increasing significantly.
“Digital Literacy is not computer literacy. Computer literacy is knowing how to use the computer while digital literacy is being able to use digital tools and apps to carry out tasks and run businesses. This is no longer a choice as employers are already using these tools or will soon adopt the use of these tools to enhance business delivery. We at Vodafone have been exploring many other collaborative tools to improve ways of working for the entire organisation; not just referring to the engineers but also the finance, HR and legal”.
Delivering a speech at the KNUST 54th congregation virtual ceremony, Mrs. Patricia Obo-Nai noted that it was very important for the graduating student to be digitally literate as many employers are rapidly adopting digital tools to work from home due to COVID-19 safety protocols.
Read also: Vodafone Foundation supports distress patients to mark World Patients Day
“You are graduating in an unprecedented time where most organizations have employed new normal ways of working that has compounded with the rapid adoption of advanced technology. To be able to thrive during these challenging times, one needs to be digitally literate”, Mrs. Obo-Nai said.
She further advised the graduating students who wished to be entrepreneurs to use innovation to expand their businesses.
“History has shown that the greatest innovations in science, transportation, technology and other fields are born during a crisis. If you want to be an entrepreneur, adopt at least one form of technology that will help you in marketing products, contacting customers, managing stocks, producing and delivering goods,” she said.
She added “Note that you are a class of change-makers. Try new things and never let the fear of failure paralyses you into inaction. Learning should not stop just because you graduated, adopt technology. Good luck as you enter the world of work. Congratulations once again”.
Patricia Obo-Nai is a Ghanaian female engineer, the first female to become Chief Executive Officer of Vodafone Ghana. She obtained a bachelor’s degree from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science of Technology. Over the years, she has engaged the University through strategic partnerships to inspire the younger generation especially women to take up Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) careers.