This was an exceptional show and a night to remember with amazing memories. As always, our God came through and didn’t fail us and all glory goes to him. The competition was tight and not easy to call. But in all, we couldn’t have achieved all these without the support of all our partners and sponsors”.
These were the words of Ms Cilla Gyewu, a representative of the Miss Ghana UK Foundation, after this year’s edition of the grand finale of the Miss Ghana UK beauty pageant, held on Saturday 30th September at Gaumont Palace (formerly known as Dominion Centre) came to a successful end.
At the end of 6 rounds of exciting showing, Miss Sabina Lawabea Awuni rose up to the occasion to be counted and was declared as the winner of the topmost award on the night, the 2017 Miss Ghana UK Queen being the edition of the most popular beauty pageant across Europe.
Miss Sabina Lawabea Awuni is a twenty – Three (23) year old a graduate and currently working as an instructor in Training & Development Administrator from Kent in the United Kingdom. She appeared to have impressed the judges with her elegance and smartness to make her won a little bit easier considering the fierce competition witnessed from the very first round.
The first runner-up was twenty-one (21) year old Miss Rachel Osei-Tutu, a university student from Buckinghamshire and the second – runner-up was Miss Francyn Amuah – Fuster who is twenty – five (25) years and an Accounts Assistant from Enfield.
The 2017 Miss Ghana UK was sponsored by World Remit, Blue Rose Real Estate (GH), VLISCO, Ghana Tourism Authority, Konfidence Hair, Sinai Beauty, Ghana Cocoa Marketing Company Limited, Cans Noire, ORS, Elizabeth Arden, Jackie Johnson, Zeeks Concepts and Shea Glo, Laboro, Pam’s Cakes, Uncle John’s Bakery, JD Fitness, Official Media Partner ABN TV and Radio.
Other partners are Ahomka Radio, CTLR World, Fab Photography, Afropulp, Osess, Flash Africa, Ghana Fashion Marketing (GH), Prompt Communication (GH), Eventsgh, Cypress Ghana, Savvy Concierge and On Point Property and Gold, Radiant Foundation, Pen2 Paper, Ghana Youth Day, Malika Sang (Promo Video).