WHILE his good looks, great fashion sense and growing career may make actor Harold Amenya a girl’s dream husband, the young man says he is not ready for marriage now especially, financially.
“There is pressure on me from family and friends to get married but all I tell anyone who says that to me is I am not ready yet because I am not financially sound,” he told Graphic Showbiz in an interview on Friday, November 1.
According to Harold, financial instability is a major cause of marriages breaking down and he does want to be a victim.
“My parents’ marriage could not work because of financial instability. There were always issues and they had to go their separate ways. It was not easy for me and my siblings growing up and I don’t want my children to go through the same,” he revealed.
He said that he would prefer to wait for a long time, get enough money and marry rather than rushing into marriage and divorcing quickly.
To those putting pressure on Harold, he said they were wasting their time because he would marry at the right time.
“I am not moved my pressure and if those putting pressure on me know the plan I have they will stop wasting their time. At the right time it will happen,” he said.
Asked if he was engaged, Harold who has starred in productions including Peep, Four Play Reloaded, Xoxo, Joseph among others said he was currently seeing someone.
Moving on to other matters, Harold Amenya said it was not right for any man of God to publicly announce the death of a celebrity.
“I am not in support of any man of God creating fear and panic in any celebrity by announcing his or her death. I believe the best thing to do is to reach out to the celebrity and either pray with him or her and guide such celeb what they must do,” he said.