Chief Executive Officer of NIMED Capital Limited, Abena Buachiwaa Brigidi has advised her fellow CEO’s to always say a prayer for their team members.
According to her, she believes it is one of the most vital activities every CEO should engage in for their businesses to grow.
Talking about her biggest support system for the past years, she shared that, her biggest support system so far has been her team.
In an interview with Rev Erskine on Y 107.9 FM’s Y Leaderboard Series she said, “My support system has been my team, they have been amazing. I’ve been blessed with an amazing supporting staff. From my head of finance to my personal assistant who just pushes me even when I don’t want to, I have super staff”.
Abena described her staff at NIMED as a blessing from God and the exact people she prayed to God to work with.
Using herself as an example she noted that, if all CEO’s pray for their team members their businesses will run smoothly just like they want it to.
“I prayed that God would bring me people that share my ideology and passion so then it’s not difficult to push the agenda I’m running with and that is exactly what I got” she said with excitement.
She urged her fellow CEO’s who are not already praying for their staff to start doing so to help move their businesses to a higher level because, “God even listens to the silliest prayers how much more God giving me good people to work with, he will definitely answer”.
By: Gyamfuah Owusu-Ackom