Our dear and most cherished trotro drivers, I personally want to use this opportunity and on behalf of the common Ghanaians to express our profound gratitude and appreciation for your undying commitment in rendering your services.
There is never a doubt as to the relevance of your services to the development of our country. The sacrificed sleeping hours, the troubles with hikes in the fuel and petroleum prices, the stress from law enforcers among so many daily activities involved in your line of work.
However, as much as I actually understand the nature of your work, the attitudes some of your trotro drivers display is frustrating and hard to comprehend. I believe most things are literally basic and with common sense, it would be a necessary courtesy.
It is high time trotro drivers understand that, every passenger, once they get on board, are the responsibility of the one at the wheel together with their conductors. The lives and safety of the passengers should be your number one priority.

Yes, you have to make ends meet, to put some food on the tables and cater for the upkeep of the home. Nonetheless, you should ensure that the rusted metals along the windows and the spaces within the car be checked. I’ve been a regular victim of cuts from the rusted metals along the windows. My knees always suffer impacts when seats swing in the cars or as a rest of the additional seats in the car which squeezes up the normal spaces.
For a typical trotro route, they would certainly come across a bumpy road where the cars get to exhibit their dancing skills, making passengers collide with each other and heads sometimes hitting the roof the car.

Imagine an early Monday morning, you dress in your uniform or in your typical Monday white dress and then get soiled by the dirt in the car. Already you have had a bad day before completing half of the day.
Please, our trotro drivers, don’t over compound your cars with additional seats just to increase profits. We suffer direly, even worse impacts in our old ages. Kindly service your cars, metal parts and engine departments to prevent unexpected breakdowns.
I have and together with several passengers have had to be worried about our safety. The unnecessary overspending while the parts of the car are actually in deplorable states by some drivers needs to be addressed.
There have been situations cars have broken down either en route to work or back home. Sometimes very late in the evening where passengers get frightened if they’d make it all the way home. Does it always has to be “Insha Allahu and vibes?”
We obviously attribute most of our road accidents to bad road networks but I believe most of these unfortunate incidents are as a result of the “smartness of trotro drivers”, just to gain extra.
The traffic experiences in this country cannot go a day without being talked about. Most of our trotro driver would want to exhibit his smart calculations and tend to dodge some of the long traffics. Relatively, it could be favorable, but on unlucky days it could really be annoying.
They usually overtake and use shorter routes but sometimes appear to be the difficult and longer ones, but just to escape the traffic jams, they use them. Sometimes these acts have caused minor collisions other times worse.
For others, it is a way of boosting their self ego or to depict they are “eye-red” and very serious with what they do. Please in as much as you believe these things are necessary, they literally aren’t.
Finally the way some trotro drivers park their cars is not talked about much. Parking right beside another car at bus-stops are some of the things we do that cause the traffics. Its more of drivers always wanting to beat others to the station just to re-load ahead of them. These things cause distractions on the road and the unwarranted traffic situations.
To our trotro drivers, kindly do the needful and note that our lives are in your hands always. The priority is to deliver every passenger to their destinations safe.
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