Michael Agyare, a Ghanaian actor who is popularly referred to as Grand Paa, has disclosed another secret on how men decide whether a girl is worth being given oral sex or not.
Speaking with Adwen the Love Doctor on e.TV Ghana’s ‘In Bed with Adwen’ adult show, he revealed that men do not just go ahead to perform oral sex on any woman. “When we’re having romance, we usually pass our fingers around the lady’s vaginal area as if to arouse her but that is not the main purpose”, he said.
Grand Paa confessed, “After passing our fingers around her vaginal area, we then hug her and in doing that, smell our fingers at her back so she does not see”. He continued that when the fingers smell good, then they know the woman is neat enough to receive cunnilingus, however, if the smell is unpleasant, then they avoid ‘going down on her’.
Michael Agyare revealed this secret after he mentioned playing with the clitoris as part of his education on things that a man needs to do to arouse his woman during foreplay. He noted that foreplay is very important because that is when a man gets to figure out his partner’s pleasure points.
“Some women love being kissed, some have their feelings in and around their ears, their nipples, their waist, thighs, clitoris and other parts. You two need to communicate and you also need to observe reactions. For instance, if her reaction from touching her buttocks is more intense than when you touch her breasts, then you know where she likes to be touched”, the actor concluded.
By: Maureen Dedei Quaye