I looked up the definition of success from different sources and I get the idea that the definition of success is based on results rather than the process.
Take for example Merriam Webster’s definition of success, a “favorable or desired outcome or the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence”.
Ethics, on the other hand, is a system of moral principles that affect how people make decisions and lead their lives.
The above mentioned definition of success is a true reflection of what people consider success to be. A lot of us equate success to results; often ignoring the action that led to the result.
Success and ethics go hand in hand. Compromising on ethics to achieve success is really not success.
Let us get a clearer picture with these scenarios.
You pass an exams with high grades. But you cheated. Everyone focuses on your results but never bothered to know how you got there. Can you say you are successful? At first glance, You may be. But lets think about it. If you learnt very hard enough to pass your exam, won’t you have developed a good learning habit such as research, reading, etc that could help you in the future?
As a parent, you earn so much to cater for your family. But this money is earned out of fraudulent activities. How would you inculcate good values in your children?
True, your children may enjoy all the material possessions life has to offer. But could they be deprived of good values because as a parent you will have no moral right to teach them certain life values as hardwork, honesty and compassion?
Never must we subtract the value of ethics in the process of success? If that were to happen, we would then be chasing after success without ethics!
I will agree with the late American basketball coach, John Robert Wooden who said : “Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.”