Akuapem Poloo seems to be embarking on a campaign to discourage other celebrities from posting nude photos on social media, even before her case for publishing a nude photo reaches finality.
Speaking at a press conference today, she admonished other celebrities not to post nude photos on social media.
“And I want to say this to my colleagues, to the young ones who are coming, that it is not a good act. I didn’t know and I did it, and this is what I got myself into. So please, Especially the nudity, I beg you, we should put a stop to it. Nudity is not good. It’s not good at all. It’s not just taking a picture with your son in that manner. But nudity is not good. And Ghanaians we have our norms and our culture,” he said.
She, therefore, asked the powers be to grant her some clemency in her case involving publishing a nude photo with her seven-year-old son on social media in June last year.
At the press conference, she also thanked all the people that pleaded on her behalf while she was convicted and jailed for the offence.
She added that she was very sorry for the act, reiterating that she did not know that taking a nude photo with her son could land her in jail.
“I didn’t know that taking a picture with my son in that manner could take me to jail or can put me in big trouble. I didn’t know it was not a good thing. Whatever it is, please forgive me,” she said.
Her lawyers failed to complete processes to secure her release on time after she was granted bail of GHS80,000 with two sureties by the Criminal Division of the High Court.
The conditions of the bail require her to report to the case investigator every two weeks and to deposit her passport with the registrar of the court.
Rosemond Brown was handed a 90-day jail term for publishing obscene material and violating the dignity and integrity of her seven-year-old son in a nude photo she posted on social media.
She is currently appealing the sentence at the high court.