Zero Hunger Ghana (ZHG), founded by Debra-Jane Nelson and fulfilled by some 30 volunteers, is a non-partisan; non-profit civil empowered organization geared towards contributing to achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 in Ghana by reducing food waste and hunger using a proven human centred model. ZHG is working for a goal that ensures that everyone has access to Safe, Healthy and Nutritious Food, narrowing down the United Nations’ 2nd SDG to Ghana where everyone has a role to play in achieving a Zero Hunger World by 2030.
Popularly known for food donations and community sensitization on important issues to mobilized beneficiaries. Community sensitization is one of the key tools used to empower the community members to enable them drive their own developmental agenda, so it is mandatory for all community outreaches carried out. During a recent session to a group of children and young adults in Jamestown on COVID 19, teaching them how to wash and keep their hands clean at all times, they complained about not having running water. There is often water shortage in some pro-poor communities yet it is highly recommended that to keep ourselves safe during this Corona Virus Pandemic, we must wash our hands frequently with soap and running water and also use hand sanitizers. Concerned about the safety and wellbeing of immediate families, friends and the whole Ghana community, this lack of key items is putting vulnerable people in identified communities at high risk.
To “Kick Corona Out”, Zero Hunger Ghana partnered with African Health Now to carry out a Community Outreach on Sunday 5th April 2020 with donations of Drinking Water, Water for domestic use, Soap, Hand Sanitizer, Toilet Roll and Basic Food Items as well as Sensitize the community with reliable information on the virus and how to stay safe. These donations were highly supported by individuals and small businesses.
“Odododooooo” also known, as Ashiedu Keteke Sub Metro is a rural urban community located in
the capital city, Accra. Even though it is in the heart of the capital city of Ghana, the community
is deprived of many essentials and most of the people are illiterates. Knowing their reaction to
news mainly because of lack of/minimal education, it was rendered imperative that information on
the pandemic was reemphasised to them. The day started about 10 a.m. with a prayer after
which volunteers were assigned to their tasks, such as mobilizers, education team distributors
etc… Social mobilization done and in no time, people of Odododooooo were gathered.
Education on Corona Virus done, social distancing, eating nutrition foods, using tissue when coughing or sneezing, hand washing technics which was also demonstrated and practiced by community members before going for their parcels (Drinking Water, Soap, Hand Sanitiser, Toilet Roll and Basic Food Items). The disabled were not left out. The team went round to bless them with their gifts as well. Distribution of potable water for domestic use was deployed by a water tanker, which was embraced by the community members. Children at “Nshw3naa” (Seaside) were refreshed with bottled juices whilst the adults refilled their gallons, barrels, buckets and pans with the water we provided.
The people of Odododooooo are humorous and fun loving people but at the same time aggressive making it hard to tell which states they are at in any particular time and so there were some misunderstandings, terrible reactions/misbehaviours and thankfully humours. It all ended at about 4 pm.
Observations show that the people in these communities are in a different world of their own. They have little idea of what is going on and those that do know frankly do not care! They are living their lives as normal whilst complaining bitterly about their livelihood been taken away from them. They are blaming the government for imposing a lock down on them without understanding the reason behind it and even if they have been told, seems like they do not understand the magnitude of the pandemic. If COVID19 should breakout in such communities, we are in BIG TROUBLE as a nation. The local government are not delivering enough explicable education and sensitization on this important issue to the grassroots. Traditional Media also seems missing. Let’s pray the front liners can subdue the recorded cases and spread.
Zero Hunger Ghana and African Health Now say “together, let’s continue to help mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the vulnerable in our society. This community support is within reach.”
To make a donation, please contact Awo on 0249 267 112.
Email Address: [email protected]
Facebook/Instagram/Twitter: @ZeroHungerGhana