WhatsApp has announced that its WhatsApp Business app is now also available on iOS in seven countries, with a global rollout expected within weeks.
Early last year, WhatsApp launched its WhatsApp Business app for Android, and since then over 5 million businesses every month have been using it to create their business profiles and connect with their audiences through the app.
The app will now be available to download on the iTunes App Store in seven countries – Brazil, Germany, Indonesia, India, Mexico, the U.K. and the U.S., – and the iOS app’s global rollout is expected to take place within the next few weeks.
The WhatsApp Business app lets businesses create a profile to display a description, contact email, location address and of course a website URL, but it also lets them answer customer questions directly.
The app also offers messaging tools like Quick replies, a feature that lets businesses answer frequent questions, or greeting messages that give users more information about a business. Away messages will let users know when someone will be manning the app to answer their query. Businesses also get WhatsApp Web to chat from their desktop, manage conversations, and send files to customers.
WhatsApp explains in a recent blog post,
“Whether it’s an online sweet shop in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil that closes 60 per cent of its sales via WhatsApp Business or a cinnamon roll company in Tijuana, Mexico that credits WhatsApp Business for allowing it to open a second location, small business owners all over the world are using the app to grow. We’re excited to bring the WhatsApp Business app to even more small businesses and hear new stories about how it’s helping them succeed.”