After activating a financial relief package to cushion customers in the wake of the Covid-19 economic challenges currently being faced, Absa Bank Ghana has announced a new weekly series of webinar sessions that will educate and support clients and businesses on how to thrive in times of crisis.
Christened as “Absa Business Connect Series”, the virtual sessions seek to provide practical advice and solutions to business owners on how to ensure business sustainability and growth amidst the challenges being faced as a result of Covid-19.
The series will take place on the bank’s virtual platform Facebook Live and will focus on relevant business-impacting topics such as Financial Management, Strategy re-engineering Maintaining Productivity during the crisis, Risk Management, optimization of trade tools, Technology as a business driver among others.

Speaking on the initiative, the Marketing and Corporate Relations Director at Absa Bank Ghana, Nana Essilfuah Boison said “COVID-19 and its related issues are with us now and as a caring bank, this is the time we must engage our clients more than ever. We want to support our customers during this time with practical ideas from subject matter experts within our organization to ensure their business recovery, sustainability and growth. This is how Absa will help to bring the possibilities of our customers to life”
The first session of the Absa Business Connect Series will be on Friday 22nd May at 10:00 am on the topic “Keeping your business alive during the crisis”. The Business Banking Director Mrs Grace Anim-Yeboah will take online participants through the salient points on business sustainability and growth during the crisis.
The bank plans to use subject matter experts within the business as speakers for subsequent sessions of the Absa Business Connect Series.