While speaking to Akosua Hanson and DJ Kess on the YLounge, he opened up about the effects the COVID-19 pandemic had on him both musically and creatively. He stated: “At the point that my career was taking off, COVID emerged. I became more relaxed, and it allowed me to record a lot of songs. I’m also putting together an album that I plan on releasing by the end of 2021. I’ve always been different. The kind of music I really love to do, I’ve not even released yet, so my fans should expect unique sounds as well.”
Love is a Headache and Lord Paper tells us why.
During a conversation about his love-life, the singer stated: “It was my girl that was stressing me. She was giving me a headache. Every other day, she would complain about multiple false stories she heard about me with other women, but those were rumors from people who wanted to spoil what we had. This song stems from that experience.” With a steady rise of digital streaming numbers and a massive audience growth over the course of his career, Lord Paper continues to exceed expectations and remains undoubtedly, one of the leading voices of Highlife music. Find a link to the Headache music video below.
By: Raven Kuewor